8th Scientific Committee Meeting

    Nanaimo, Canada
    Short Name
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    1.1 Welcome Address and Introductions
    1.2 Appointment of Rapporteur
    1.3 Meeting Arrangements
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Review of NPFC Performance Review (NPFC PR) Panel Recommendations
    3.1 Overview of key recommendations for SC over short term (next 1-5 years)
    4. Review of reports and recommendations from the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment (TWG CMSA) and the Small Scientific Committees (SSC BF-ME and SSC PS)
    4.1 Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment
    4.2 SSC on Bottom Fish and Marine Ecosystems
    4.3 SSC on Pacific Saury
    5. Report and recommendations from the Joint SC-TCC-COM Small Working Group on Management Strategy Evaluation for Pacific Saury (SWG MSE PS)
    6. Other priority species
    6.1 Summary of progress on the remaining four priority species
    6.1.1 Neon flying squid
    6.1.2 Japanese sardine
    6.1.3 Japanese flying squid
    6.1.4 Blue mackerel
    6.2 Species summaries
    6.2.1 Review of priority species summaries
    6.2.2 Potential additions
    6.3 Changes to common and scientific species names
    6.4 Domestic stock assessments of NFS, JFS, JS, and BM
    6.5 Key milestones to achieve for NPFC stock assessment and provision of management advice
    6.6 Future roles and activities of SWG NFS, SWG JFS, SWG JS, and SWG BM
    6.6.1 Potential establishment of a new formal SC subsidiary body to focus on NFS
    6.6.2 Scientific project(s) to support CPUE standardization and assessment of NFS
    6.6.3 Virtual or in-person meetings
    7. Climate Change
    7.1 Climate change effects on NPFC’s priority species and associated ecosystems
    7.1.1 Current knowledge
    7.1.2 Ongoing research activities
    7.1.3 Research priorities and potential scientific projects
    8. Data Collection and Management
    8.1 Data Management System
    8.2 NPFC Data Sharing and Data Security Protocol
    8.2.1 Revision of Regulations for Management of Scientific Data and Information
    8.3 Data needs, data gaps and strategies to fill gaps
    8.3.1 Information about species belonging to same ecosystem or dependent/associated with target stocks
    8.3.2 Potential roles of regional observer program and/or e-monitoring
    9. Scientific projects for 2024 and 2025
    9.1 Ongoing/planned projects
    9.2 New projects
    9.2.1 Potential project(s) for PS
    9.2.2 Potential project(s) for CM
    9.2.3 Potential project(s) for NPA and SA
    9.2.4 Potential project(s) for NFS
    9.2.5 Other potential projects
    9.3 Review, prioritization and funding of projects
    10. Cooperation with other organizations
    10.1 Reports on the joint NPFC-PICES activities since the SC07 meeting, including a report from the PICES Secretariat
    10.2 SC representation at scientific meetings
    10.2.1 SC representation in the joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish (WGSPF)
    10.2.2 Report on PICES’ topic session on VMEs and Seamounts
    10.2.3 Selecting SC representatives to PICES 2024
    10.3 Report on cooperation between NPFC and NPAFC
    10.4 FAO ABNJ Deep-sea fisheries project
    10.5 Partnership with the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System of FAO (FIRMS)
    10.6 Partnership with WCPFC and ISC
    10.7 Partnership with SPRFMO
    10.8 Cooperation with other organizations
    11. SC Terms of Reference (TOR) and 2023-2027 Research Plan and Work Plan
    11.1 Review of the Scientific Committee TOR
    11.2 Five-year Research Plan
    11.3 Five-year Work Plan
    11.4 Progress on addressing NPFC PR recommendations for SC
    12. Other matters
    12.1 Coordination between SC and TCC
    12.2 Other issues
    13. Advice and recommendations to the Commission
    14. Next meetings of SC and its subsidiary bodies
    14.1 Meeting schedule for 2024/2025
    14.2 Meeting format and venue
    15. Press release
    16. Selection of SC Chair and SC Vice-Chair
    17. Adoption of the Report
    18. Close of the Meeting
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    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP17 (Rev. 1)
    Press release NPFC-2023-SC08-IP17(Rev 1) Press Release SC08.docx
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2023-SC08-MIP02 Provisional Agenda NPFC-2023-SC08-MIP02 Provisional Agenda.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-MIP03 (Rev. 2) Annotated Indicative Schedule NPFC-2023-SC08-MIP03(Rev 2) Annotated Indicative Schedule.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP01 (Rev. 1) Scientific projects NPFC-2023-SC08-WP01(Rev 1) Scientific Projects.docx
    NPFC-2022-SC08-WP02 NPFC SC Research Plan NPFC-2023-SC08-WP02 Revised NPFC SC Research Plan.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP03 (Rev. 1) Five-Year Work Plan of the Scientific Committee NPFC-2023-SC08-WP03(Rev 1) Five-year SC Work Plan.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP04 (Rev. 1) NPFC Performance Review recommendations for discussion at SC08 NPFC-2023-SC08-WP04(Rev 1) Performance Review recommendations_SC08_0.xlsx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP05 Report of Small Working Group for Japanese Sardine NPFC-2023-SC08-WP05 Report of Small Working Group for Japanese Sardine.pdf, Summary of intersessional work of SWG JS.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP06 (Rev. 1) Japanese Sardine Species Summary NPFC-2023-SC08-WP06(Rev 1) Japanese Sardine Species Summary.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP07 (Rev. 1) Blue Mackerel Species Summary NPFC-2023-SC08-WP07(Rev 1) Blue Mackerel Species Summary.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP08 (Rev. 1) Japanese Flying Squid Species Summary NPFC-2023-SC08-WP08(Rev 1) Japanese Flying Squid Species Summary.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP09 (Rev. 4) Pacific Saury Species Summary NPFC-2023-SC08-WP09(Rev 4) Pacific Saury Species Summary.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP10 Revised Regulations for Management of Scientific Data and Information NPFC-2023-SC08-WP10 Revised regulations for mngmt of SC data and information.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP11 (Rev. 1) Comparison of Length-Weight Relationships and Catch Numbers by Size and Age between China and Japan for Japanese Sardine and Blue Mackerel NPFC-2023-SC08-WP11(Rev 1) LWR_CAS_comparison_JS_BM.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP12 Overview surveys from 2021 to 2023 by Chinese research vessel "Song Hang" in the NPFC convention area NPFC-2023-SC08-WP12 Chinese surveys 2021-2023 by Song Hang in NWP.pdf, NPFC-2023-SC08-WP12 ppt.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP13 GIT Repository Plan NPFC-2023-SC08-WP13 GIT Repository Plan.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP14 (Rev. 1) Neon flying squid species summary NPFC-2023-SC08-WP14(Rev 1) Neon flying squid species summary.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP15 (Rev. 1) Chub Mackerel Species Summary NPFC-2023-SC08-WP15(Rev 1) Chub Mackerel Species Summary_0.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP16 Summary of the 1st joint meeting of the Small Working Groups on NFS, JFS, JS, and BM NPFC-2023-SC08-WP16 SWGpelagics 2023-01 Meeting Summary.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP17 Summary of the 2nd joint meeting of the Small Working Groups on NFS, JFS, JS, and BM NPFC-2023-SC08-WP17 SWGpelagics 2023-02 Meeting Summary.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP18 Revised Terms of Reference for the Small Scientific Committee on Bottom Fish and Marine Ecosystems NPFC-2023-SC08-WP18 Terms of Reference for SSC BF-ME.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP01 (Rev. 2) Meeting schedule for 2024-2025 and call for interest to host scientific meetings NPFC-2023-SC08-IP01(Rev 2) Meeting schedule for 2024-2025.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP02 A compiled list of cooperation opportunities and requests from other organizations NPFC-2023-SC08-IP02 Compiled list of cooperation opportunities and requests from other organizations.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP03 NPFC Data Management System NPFC-2023-SC08-IP03 NPFC Data Management System Updates for SC.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP04 Domestic stock assessment of Japanese sardine in Japan NPFC-2023-SC08-IP04 JapaneseStockAssessment_JapaneseSardine.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP05 Domestic stock assessment of blue mackerel in Japan NPFC-2023-SC08-IP05 JapaneseStockAssessment_BlueMackerel.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP06 Domestic stock assessment of Japanese flying squid in Japan NPFC-2023-SC08-IP06 JapaneseStockAssessment_JapaneseFlyingSquid.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP07 The cumulative impacts of climate vulnerability and significant adverse impacts (SAIs) caused by bottom-contact fishing on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC) Convention Area NPFC-2023-SC08-IP07 SC08-CSRF proposal 2024-25.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP08 Resolution on Climate Change NPFC-2023-SC08-IP08 Climate change.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP09 (Rev. 1) Compliance program update NPFC-2023-SC08-IP09(Rev 1) Compliance program update.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP10 Update Information of Chinese NFS fishery in the Northwest Pacific Ocean NPFC-2023-SC08-IP10 NFS SA and fishery update_Chn.pdf, NPFC-2023-SC08-IP10 NFS_CPUEStd_SA_AP_detailed ppt.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP11 Special project for hiring an expert to assist the SWG NPA-SA in conducting an assessment for Splendid Alfonsino and North Pacific Armorhead NPFC-2023-SC08-IP11 Special project SWG NPA-SA.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP12 Science Advice Progress and Milestones NPFC-2023-SC08-IP12 Science Advice Progress and Milestones.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13 (Rev. 1) Data Provision Templates NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13(Rev 1) BiologicalDataProvisionTemplate_Age.xlsx, NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13(Rev 1) BiologicalDataProvisionTemplate_ALK.xlsx, NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13(Rev 1) BiologicalDataProvisionTemplate_Length.xlsx, NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13(Rev 1) BiologicalDataProvisionTemplate_MaturityOgiveAge.xlsx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP14 Defying Dissolution: Deep-Sea Scleractinian Reefs in the North Pacific NPFC-2023-SC08-IP14 Scleractinian Reefs in the North Pacific.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP15 ICES PICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fishes NPFC-2023-SC08-IP15 ICES_PICES_WGSPF_Summary.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP16 Report on PICES’ topic session on VMEs and Seamounts NPFC-2023-SC08-IP16 PICES VMEs and seamount biodiversity.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP17 (Rev. 1) Press release NPFC-2023-SC08-IP17(Rev 1) Press Release SC08.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-OP01 Report on Joint NPFC-PICES activities for SC08 NPFC-2023-SC08-OP01 Report on joint NPFC-PICES activities.pdf, NPFC-2023-SC08-OP01 Report to NPFC_ppt.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-OP02 Presentation on climate change work with NPFC NPFC-2023-SC08-OP02 ppt Climate change.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-OP02 FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Project NPFC-2023-SC08-OP02 FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Project.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-OP03 (Rev. 1) Five-year Work Plan to implement NPAFC/NPFC Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) NPFC-2023-SC08-OP03(Rev 1) Work Plan with NPAFC commentary.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-OP04 Update from FIRMS NPFC-2023-SC08-OP04 FIRMS update_0.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-OP05 NPFC-ISC* MOU Status Update NPFC-2023-SC08-OP05 NPFC-ISC MOU Status Update.pdf
    Summary of SSC BFME04 Summary of SSC BFME04.pdf
    Summary of SSC PS11 and SC PS12
    MOU between SPRFMO and NPFC (click for LINK)
    NPFC Data Sharing and Data Security Protocol (click for LINK)
    SWG MSE PS03 and 04 reports (click for LINK)
    Summary of intersessional work of SWG NFS Summary of intersessional work of SWG NFS.pdf
    Summary of intersessional work of SWG JFS Summary of intersessional work of SWG JFS.pdf
    Summary of intersessional work of SWG BM Summary of intersessional work of SWG BM.pdf
    TWG CMSA07 meeting report (click for LINK)
    Summary of TWG CMSA07 Summary of TWG CMSA07.pdf
    Partnership Arrangement between FIRMS and NPFC (click for LINK)