Species in the Northwest Pacific ecosystem from Chinese survey and bycatch in fishery

    This paper summarized the species belong to the marine ecosystems in Northwest Pacific Ocean, that monitored by Chinese survey, and the bycatch species in the commercial fishery. China has been conducting a scientific survey program using its fishery research vessel "Song Hang" in the NPFC convention area since 2021. During the past four years, this survey totally identified 78 fish species and 23 cephalopoda species, by mid-trawling, squid jigging, and eDNA. There is few bycatch in the stick-held dip net fishery for Pacific saury, squid-jigging fishery, and pelagic trawl fishery for Chub mackerel and Japanese sardine. In the purse seine, bycatch species include Blue mackerel, squid and Pacific saury, while other species was little recorded.

    Document Number
    NPFC-2024-SSC NFS01-WP23
    Document Version
    Agenda Item
    Historical information about species captured in surveys and/or discarded bycatch from fisheries in the Convention Area
    Qiuyun Ma, Libin Dai, Heng Zhang, Siquan Tian