5th Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment

    Short Name
    TWG CMSA05
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1 Opening of the Meeting
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Overview of the recommendations and outcomes of previous NPFC meetings relevant to chub mackerel
    3.1 4th TWG CMSA and 6th SC meeting
    3.2 7th Commission meeting
    3.3 Intersessional meetings of SWG OM
    4. Review of Terms of Reference and Protocols of the TWG CMSA
    4.1 Terms of Reference
    4.2 CPUE Standardization Protocol
    4.3 Stock Assessment Protocol
    4.4 Protocol for the Operating Model Development
    5. Member’s fisheries information and research activities
    5.1 Description of fisheries, inter alia, fishing seasons and fishing grounds
    5.2 Research activities
    6 Stock assessment model for chub mackerel
    6.1 Progress of the intersessional works
    6.2 Data generation by PopSim as input to the candidate stock assessment models
    6.3 Report on the performance of the candidate stock assessment models
    6.4 Discussion on the ranking of the candidate stock assessment models
    6.5 Selection of the model for chub mackerel stock assessment
    6.6 Recommendations and timelines for future work
    7. Development of data for the stock assessment of chub mackerel
    7.1 Data inventory (catch, size, abundance indices, etc.) and updates
    7.2 Review of standardized fishery-dependent/independent indices, inter alia, standardized abundance indices from China and Russia
    7.3 Review of biological parameters
    7.4 Observer Program
    7.5 Recommendations for future work
    8. Future projection of chub mackerel
    9. Biological reference points
    9.1 Candidate biological reference points for chub mackerel
    10. Review of the Work Plan of the TWG CMSA
    11. Other matters
    11.1 Timeline and intersessional activities before TWG CMSA06
    11.2 Other issues
    13. Adoption of Report
    14. Close of the Meeting
    12. Recommendations to the Scientific Committee
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    NPFC-2022-AR-Annual Summary Footprint - Chub&Spotted Mackerels
    Annual catch and effort statistics NPFC-2022-AR-Annual Summary Footprint - Chub&Spotted Mackerels.xlsx
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-MIP02 Provisional Agenda NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-MIP02 Provisional Agenda.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-MIP03 (Rev. 2) Annotated Indicative Schedule NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-MIP03(Rev 2) Annotated Indicative Schedule.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP01 Summary of the 2nd Meeting of the Small Working Group on Operating Model for Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP01 Meeting summary of SWG OM02 and Performance Measures.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP02 (Rev. 1) TWG CMSA Work Plan, 2022-2026 NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP02(Rev 1) TWG CMSA Work Plan.docx
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP03 Standardized CPUE for Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) caught by Russian pelagic trawl fishery in 2015-2021 NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP03 Standardized CPUE for CM caught by Russian pelagic trawl fishery.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP04 Update stock assessment based on ASAP (age-structured assessment program) for Chub mackerel in the North Pacific Ocean 2022 NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP04 Update ASAP stock assessment for CM_China.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP05 North Pacific Ocean Chub mackerel Stock Assessment Report Based on BSSPM NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP05 BSSPM Stock Assessment for CM_China.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP06 Update of Virtual Population Analysis and State-Space Assessment Model for Operating Models of Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment in NPFC NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP06 Update of VPA and SAM for CM_Japan.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP07 Chub mackerel stock assessment using KAFKA NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP07 Chub Mackerel stock assessment with KAFKA.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP08 Fitting VPA and SAM to pseudo data generated from POPSIM: A first analysis for chub mackerel in Northwestern Pacific NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP08 Fitting VPA and SAM to pseudo data generated from POPSIM.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP09 Standardized CPUE of Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicas) caught by the China’s lighting purse seine fishery up to 2020 NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-WP09 Standardized CPUE of CM up to 2020_China.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP01 Russian Mackerel fishery in the Northwest Pacific Ocean NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP01 Chub Mackerel Fishery in 2021_Rus_0.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP02 Review of chub mackerel fishery in China and research activities NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP02 Review of chub mackerel fishery in China in 2021.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP03 Monthly catch data and the maps and description of China’ fishing grounds NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP03 Monthly Catch Data and The Maps of chub mackerel(2).pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP04 Content of the document for data description in China NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP04 Content of the document for catch-at-age description.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP05 Fisheries information and research activities JAPAN NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP05 Fisheries information and research activities JAPAN_0.pdf
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP06 Density dependent growth and body condition of chub mackerel in the western North Pacific NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA05-IP06 Density dependent growth and body condition of chub mackerel in the western North Pacific.pdf
    NPFC-2022-AR-Annual Summary Footprint - Chub&Spotted Mackerels Annual catch and effort statistics NPFC-2022-AR-Annual Summary Footprint - Chub&Spotted Mackerels.xlsx