3rd Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment

    Xiamen, China
    Short Name
    TWG PSSA03
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1 Opening of the Meeting
    2 Adoption of Agenda
    3 Overview of the outcomes of previous NPFC meetings relevant to Pacific saury
    4 Review of the Terms of References of the TWG PSSA
    5 Review of fishery data and their availability
    5.1 Catch series
    5.1.1 Review of data quality of catch series
    5.1.2 Review of progress on update/refinement of catch series
    5.1.3 Finalization of catch series for updating BSSPM
    5.1.4 Recommendations for future work
    5.2 Review of progress on the recommended work on data collection and data sharing
    5.2.1 Data security regulations
    5.2.2 Data sharing
    6 Review of fishery-dependent and fishery-independent indices
    6.1 Review of the existing CPUE Standardization Protocol
    6.2 Review of data quality of abundance indices
    6.3 Review any new/updated information on the indices
    6.4 Finalization of abundance indices for updating BSSPM
    6.5 Recommendations for future work
    7 Work toward joint CPUE series
    7.1 Review of the intention of CPUE data compilation
    7.2 Review of progress on the intersessional work for data compilation
    7.3 Statistical modelling and estimation
    7.4 Finalization of single joint CPUE series
    7.5 Conclusion and recommendations for future work
    8 Review and update of biological information/data
    9 Toward update of the stock assessment using “provisional base models” (BSSPM)
    9.1 Review of the existing model and stock assessment protocol
    9.2 Finalization of specification of BSSPM
    9.2.1 Common data set
    9.2.2 Base and robustness cases of statistical and population dynamics models
    9.2.3 Common output forms to provide management advice including risk analyses of alternative catch levels
    9.3 Timeline toward the 4th TWG PSSA meeting
    10 Other matters
    10.1 Discussion of draft literature review of the TRPs and LRPs
    11 Recommendations to the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury
    12 Adoption of Report
    13 Close of the Meeting
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-MIP02
    Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-MIP03
    Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-MIP04
    Indicative Schedule
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP15 (Rev. 2)
    Pacific saury catches by all NPFC Members in 1950-2017
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP07
    Catch data of the Japanese Pacific saury fishery during 1950-2017
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    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    5.2.2 Data sharing
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP01
    Pacific saury data sharing template
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP14 (Rev. 1)
    Review of Target and Limit Reference Points
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-MIP02 Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-MIP03 Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-MIP04 Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP01 Pacific saury data sharing template
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP02 (Rev. 2) Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Russia
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP03 Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Vanuatu
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP04 Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by China
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP05 (Rev. 1) Standardization of CPUE data of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Chinese stick-held dip net fishery
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP06a Description for monthly catch and effort data of the Japanese stick-held dip net fishery during 1994-2017 in the North Pacific Ocean with 1-degree geographical resolution
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP06b Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Japan
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP07 Catch data of the Japanese Pacific saury fishery during 1950-2017
    NPFC-2018-SSC PS03-WP08 CPUE standardization for the Pacific saury Russian catches in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP08 (Rev. 1) Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Korea
    NPFC-2018-SSC PS03-WP09 CPUE standardization for the Pacific saury international catches in the Russian EEZ in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP09 (Rev. 1) Update of biomass estimate through Japanese fishery independent survey for Pacific saury in 2018
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP10 Update of standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Japanese stick-held dip net fishery during 1994 to 2017
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP11 Additional information regarding changes in the Japanese stick-held dip net for Pacific saury, especially in 1980s
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP12 Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Chinese Taipei
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP13 (Rev. 1) CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Chinese Taipei’s stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean from 2001-2017
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP14 (Rev. 1) Review of Target and Limit Reference Points
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP15 (Rev. 2) Pacific saury catches by all NPFC Members in 1950-2017
    CMM 2018-08 Conservation and management measure for Pacific saury
    Summary of the discussions on data quality from the SSC PS03 meeting
    Stock Assessment Protocol for Pacific Saury (Click for LINK)
    Interim guidance for management of scientific data (Click for LINK)
    CPUE Standardization Protocol for Pacific Saury (Click for LINK)
    Terms of Reference for TWG PSSA (Click for LINK)