2nd SSC NPA meeting

    Shanghai, China
    Short Name
    2nd SSC NPA meeting
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-MIP02
    Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-MIP03
    Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-MIP04 (Rev. 1)
    Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-MIP05
    Provisional List of Documents
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-MIP02 Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-MIP03 Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-MIP04 (Rev. 1) Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-MIP05 Provisional List of Documents
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-WP01 Relationship between the recruitment of North Pacific armorhead and marine environment: Results from particle tracking experiments for estimating the movement route and surrounding environment of the larvae
    NPFC-2017-SC02-WP01 Draft 2017-2021 Research Plan
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-WP02 (Rev. 1) Application of the directed CPUE method to the multispecies bottom fisheries in the Emperor Seamounts region for the monitoring of stock status and fishing activity
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-WP03 Proposal of a template for collecting scientific observer data from NPFC bottom fisheries
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-WP04 Report of the scientific survey on prey organisms in the southern Emperor Seamounts (southern-ES) region in 2016
    NPFC-2017-SC02-WP05 Suggestions for the 2017-2021 Research Plan (Japan)
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-WP05 Report of the scientific survey in the Southern Emperor Seamounts (southern ES) area in 2016: Results of the acoustic data analysis
    NPFC-2017-SC02-WP06 Items of “Special Projects Funds” for Scientific Projects (Japan’s suggestion)
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-WP06 (Rev. 1) Report of the scientific survey in the Southern Emperor Seamounts (southern ES) area in 2016: Results of target strength measurement of North Pacific armorhead in situ using an acoustic-optical system (J-Quest)
    NPFC-2017-SSC NPA02-IP01 Early epipelagic life‑history characteristics of the North Pacific armorhead Pentaceros wheeleri
    NPFC01-2017-AR-Annual Summary Footprint - Bottom Fisheries 2016 – Annual summary footprint for bottom fisheries in the NPFC Area of Competence
    CMM 2016-05 CMM for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
    CMM 2016-06 CMM for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northeastern Pacific Ocean